Board President an Important Part of VTI’s Story

For more than 20 years, VTI President Fran Bulloff has contributed a wide variety of professional skills coupled with lots of passion to help the nonprofit thrive Like so many caregivers around the world, Fran Bulloff found the Validation Method out of a need to understand and cope with a loved one’s challenges with cognitive […]

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Thank You for Supporting ‘I Validate to Connect’!

The 2016 « I Validate to Connect » campaign officially ended on Oct. 15. This was VTI’s first fundraising/advocacy campaign, and a chance for you (our supporters) to show you value Validation as a means for caregivers to connect with older adults experiencing dementia/disorientation. In 2015, supporters helped VTI raise approximately $50,000 to support the hiring of […]

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#IValidate2Connect: Will You Help Us Reach $5,000 Today?

DONATE TODAY AT:–2/x/13057744 Validation makes a difference. Just ask G. Michael Leader, CEO of Country Meadows Retirement Communities. “Validation has allowed our caregivers to connect with and better understand our residents, » Mr. Leader told VTI. « Caregiver stress is lowered, and our caregivers trained in Validation feel they have more tools with which to navigate difficult […]

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Big News: Your Donation Will Double!

The Validation Training Institute will end its first « I Validate to Connect » (#IValidate2Connect) campaign in a little more than 10 days on Oct. 15. We still have a long ways to go to reach our goal of raising $20,000 to support a study on the Validation Method. Good news, though: If you haven’t donated but want to, […]

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Caregivers: Act Now to Win a Presentation with Naomi Feil!

There are just two days left to participate in our “Caregiver Chew & Chat Week,” which started Saturday and runs until this Friday, Sept. 30.  The week is one of the main events of VTI’s first “I Validate to Connect” fundraising campaign, which ends Oct. 15. If you are a Validation supporter,  take a little time to “chew” […]

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‘I Validate to Connect’ Campaign Gets Rollin’; Chew & Chat Week Kicks Off

The « I Validate to Connect« (#IValidate2Connect) campaign launched last week, and we are off to a wonderful start thanks to our generous supporters. So far, we’ve raised more than $2,000! These donations will be used as seed money for a controlled study on the Validation Method that will help us to show that Validation improves the quality of life for older […]

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