The Geriatric Unit in the Evangelical Hospital in Bad Dürkheim (Germany) is the first hospital geriatric unit to receive a VTI Certificate of Quality in the world. Senior Care facilities Paul-Gerhardt-Haus in Neustadt and House on Leininger Unterhof in Grünstadt also received VTI Certificates of Quality.
The Evangelical Hospital of Bad Dürkheim received the Validation Certificate of Quality from the Validation Training Institute (VTI) for its special Geriatric unit’s excellent work with older adults with cognitive decline. VTI is the international umbrella organization for Validation by Naomi Feil. This is the first hospital to develop such a specialized unit and to receive this Certificate of Quality.
Senior care centers, Paul Gerhardt House and House on Leininger Unterhof have also received certificates of quality for their exemplary integration of Validation.

“Validation is an integral part of life in all our facilities. It is especially central in elderly care but also increasingly in our more general health care, “emphasized Hedwig Neu, head of the Validation® Center within LVIM.
At the Evangelical Hospital, nurses, therapists and doctors as well as staff from all services and administration are being trained in Validation for the treatment of people with dementia. Specialized care programs, including training volunteers to be Validation Companions (also called ‘the Green Ladies”) respond to the special needs of older, confused patients.
Within the Geriatric department there is a special space for these patients, the ‘Guud Stubb’(trans:good café), where special care and activity programs are lead by these ‘Green Ladies’. “The empathy-based method of communication helps volunteers to identify the needs of people with dementia and to offer the person-centered, Guud Stubb program,” explains Hedwig Neu.
“The certificate is a great confirmation of our efforts and motivates us to go further on the path we have taken for the benefit of the patients,” says Christoph Patzelt, Commercial Director of the Evangelical Hospital.
Vicki de Klerk-Rubin, daughter of Validation founder Naomi Feil, spent a day in each of the three audited facilities evaluating how the principles of Validation are implemented in the care of the patients or the care of the residents. She observed daily life, including a Validation Group session, general nursing care, meals and activity programs. Talking with relatives, volunteers and Validation Workers among the staff, gave her a sense of how the facilities support these groups when caring for people with dementia.
“I am incredibly impressed by how Validation is lived and practiced in the homes of LVIM” said Vicki de Klerk-Rubin. “The LVIM is a role model for the practical implementation of Validation for the whole world,” she exclaimed.