Validation Training Institute

VTI Blog

Validation Certificate of Quality Awarded to Italian Switzerland Long-term Community (English version)

Awarded to Italian Switzerland Long-term Community 

These awards mark a significant step in our commitment to the Validation method as a non-pharmacological intervention in caring for older adults with cognitive change. At Casa Bianca Maria and Casa San Giorgio di Brissago, we treat our older adults with the utmost respect, valuing them for their individuality. Our use of the Validation method underscores our belief that older adults are unique, valuable, and still have much to offer. This method, with its unique ability to honor the individuality of our elderly, inspires hope for the future of elderly care. 

Director Federico Mazzoleni’s staff, led by Selam Marquardt (Validation team coordinator), plays a crucial role in the success of the Validation method. Their dedication and practice of the Validation method, acknowledging the many losses experienced by older adults and giving them opportunities to express their emotions through empathetic listening, is integral to our approach. Our Validation practitioners have witnessed others trying to correct or “reality orient” a disoriented older adult. The result is the opposite—the anger or withdrawal increases. Building a relationship based on trust, respect, honesty, and emotive empathy gives the older adult dignity and relief. Casa Bianca Maria offers its older adults an environment where they can freely express their emotions, accompanied by a trusted listener, to complete their life tasks and die in peace. 

Despite the challenges of our times, it is our dream for every facility to have teams that value non-pharmacological interventions, particularly the Validation method. Casa Bianca Maria has begun this journey with our commitment to serving older adults in our communities. The future looks bright. 

Special thanks go to Ms. Luana Capponi, Director of Casa Bianca Maria, and Mr. Federico Mazzoleni, who made possible the realization of this accomplishment. We also wish to thank Ms. Heidi Bontadelli, Project Supervisor and Head of the 

VASI-AVO Association of Italian Switzerland. Without Ms. Bontadelli, the implementation of the Validation method within our organization would not have become a reality in Italian Switzerland. 

Article written 

by Annalisa Calisti, Certified Validation Teacher and secretary VASI/AVO