Validation Training Institute

VTI Blog

Symposium Validation® by Feil – Vicki de Klerk-Rubin is finally a guest in Vienna again

On 25.10.2023, the time had come again after four years. With the aim of strengthening Validation® according to Feil in Austria again after the Covid19 pandemic and the associated restrictions, the Ankersaal in the Brotfabrik in Vienna (Austria) became a meeting place for employees of all health and care professions, volunteers, relatives and all those interested in old disoriented people, their feelings and needs in a cooperative event organized by AVO Caritas Vienna with AVO Red Cross Vienna.  

After the opening words by Caritas Director Alexander Bodmann and the Managing Director of the Training Center of the Vienna Red Cross GmbH, Alexander Preyer, Vicki de Klerk-Rubin got 130 listeners moving in her impressive interactive workshop and inspired them with the attitude of Validation® according to Feil.

Another highlight of the day was the specialist lecture on „Development of dementia: early detection, diagnosis and therapy“ by Prim. Dr. Georg Psota, Chief Physician of the Psychosocial Services Vienna. His biopsychosocial perspective and empathic approach enabled him to build a bridge to Validation. The lecture was met with great interest from the participants.

In the afternoon, participants had the opportunity to delve into specific topics or deepen their knowledge in workshops. Karin Eder, Head of Nursing Services at Häuser zum Leben, gave an insight into the role of Validation in management and how Validation can be implemented as a concept in an institution. Maria Hoppe, a pioneer of Validation in Austria, and Validation Master Violeta Koppensteiner gave examples of how Validation can be applied in encounters with elderly people and answered the participants‘ questions. Validation master Petra Fercher and Andrea Stöckl spoke about Validation in teaching and training.  On this occasion, Petra Fercher presented her workbook for basic training in Validation according to Naomi Feil, published by Trauner Verlag.  

In a concluding panel of experts, Prim. Dr. Georg Psota and Maria Hoppe, another validation pioneer and validation master Gunvor Sramek had her say.

Validation® according to Feil has enjoyed great recognition as a method in Austria for many years. It is mentioned in concepts and guidelines and is recommended by the Austrian Federal Ministry. For some time now, it has been an integral part of training courses in the nursing and care sector and training to become a Validation Practitioner is a recognized continuing education training course under the Austrian Healthcare and Nursing Act.

We are delighted to have realized a major joint project with this symposium and to have taken a further step towards „walking in the shoes of others“ even more in the future, so that very old, disoriented people experience appreciative, respectful treatment.

At this point, a big thank you to Vicki de Klerk-Rubin, to all the speakers and experts who supported us on this day, and to Agnes Ackerl and Markus Hechenberger for the photos.

Andrea Stöckl and Carina Lengauer-Schrenk