For Naomi

The ‘god-mother’ of person-centered care has left us with her legacy

Naomi Feil, the developer of the Validation method, died on 24 December 2023 at her home in Jasper, Oregon at the age of 91.

Ensure Validation’s Future

If you wish to honor Naomi Feil with a contribution that will continue her legacy into the future, please consider donating to the Endowment Fund in her memory.

Give a gift now with a one-time direct donation in memory of Naomi.

When you make a bequest to the Validation Training Institute, you support an endowed fund that lasts in perpetuity.

Donation of the required minimum distribution of an IRA or other retirement fund, that is not needed, directly to VTI provides a tax benefit to the donor.

VF Validation logo in teal


All Endowment Fund donors will be permanently listed on our Wall of Honor. Donors of over $10,000 will be offered free, online coaching by Vicki de Klerk-Rubin (daughter of Naomi Feil and Validation Master) for as long as required by the donor.

Validation was a maverick concept back in the 1970s when Feil first proposed that caregivers ‘step into the world of the disoriented old-old’ and stop using reality orientation, diversion or lying. Her books, and workshops (she led over 1000 in the U.S. and 1000 in Europe) spread her messages: understand that there is a reason behind the behavior of disoriented older adults and use empathy to accompany them in their final stage of life. Her work inspired a new generation to work “person-centered.”

Naomi Feil founded her non-profit organization, the Validation Training Institute (VTI) in 1982. VTI  is honoring her final wish, to continue her legacy with the same energy and passion that she demonstrated over 60 years.

The Validation Training Institute has planned for its long-term financial strength by creating an Endowment Fund. This is a permanent and separate fund that provides an annual cash flow to support general administrative costs of VTI. It is a hallmark of financial sustainability and good stewardship. In 2019 this fund was started by a one-million-dollar commitment over 6 years. 

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