

Introduction to Validation: Communicating with Very Old People Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s-type Dementia

This DVD provides an excellent overview and introduction to the Validation Method. Using demonstrations by Naomi Feil and Vicki de Klerk working with people diagnosed Alzheimer’s-type dementia, both principles and techniques are illustrated. This is a great DVD for those new to Validation as well as students of Validation. A great in-service teaching tool. RT: 25 minutes

Communicating with the Alzheimer’s-type Population:
The Validation Method

This practical video offers insight into the world of maloriented and time confused older adults and demonstrates techniques for communicating with them. in Part 1, using role-play, Naomi Feil makes the inner world of an old woman struggling with her aging process, transparent. Marge, the blamer, is in a hair salon and blames her hairdresser for ‘taking out all her hair’. In Part 2, Naomi role plays an 85 year old woman who has wandered from home and ends up in a police station.                        RT: 19 minutes

The Four Phases of Resolution

This DVD beautifully demonstrates the Validation theory of the final life struggle, called Resolution. Naomi Feil role plays the four phases that older adults can pass through as they withdraw inward into their personal reality. In this final life struggle, buried emotions surface. The very old struggle to express themselves and need someone to listen with empathy: to “validate” them. This video is an excellent resource for teaching Validation and staff training. RT: 8 minutes

Looking for Yesterday

A sensitive, powerful documentary that captures the pain of life in a nursing home while offering hope through Validation. Filmed by Edward R. Feil in the Montefiore Home for the Aged, Naomi Feil enters the inner world of very disoriented very old people, learns the meaning behind their bizarre behaviors and builds trust. The residents respond to her, giving evidence of the effectiveness of this approach. This DVD is excellent for all levels of hospital and nursing home staff. RT: 29 minutes

Myrna the Maloriented

This moving instructional video shows how to empathize with very old people who are in the beginning phase of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, who blame and are hurtful. The Validation® helping methods shown in this DVD can ease the frustration of caregivers, reduce the need for psychotropic drugs, and may maintain people who are maloriented in their own homes. RT: 26 minutes

Validation The More We Get Together
The More We Get Together

This « How-To » video documentary is a sequel to the award- winning documentary Looking for Yesterday.

Validation groups help older adults communicate more, increase their social controls and feel a greater sense of self-worth. This DVD reminds caregivers of basic Validation theory and skills. Plus it helps professionals add new skills to their repertoire and introduce Validation group work to the activities offered in care settings.                      RT: 44 minutes

DVDs for Teachers and AVOs

The following teaching resources are sold only to certified Validation Teachers, Presenters and AVOs. 

Validation Group Demonstration for Certified Teachers/Presenters
This live demonstration of a Validation Group, led by Vicki de Klerk-Rubin in a care community, can be used to demonstrate the various parts of a Validation group, mistakes, problem situations and the special group techniques used when leading a group.  This is an excellent companion to the booklet, “Validation Group Work: A complete guide to teaching Level 2, Validation Group Practitioner courses”, which is available at no cost online. You can also download the study guide that accompanies this video.
Scenes of Individual Validation for Certified Teachers/Presenters
Filmed live in a care community, Naomi Feil and Vicki de Klerk demonstrate the Validation method in 7 scenes. Residents in malorientation, time confusion and repetitive motion respond to the empathetic approach and skillful use of both verbal and non-verbal techniques. This is an excellent teaching tool that can be used in various learning situations where you want to show what Validation looks like in practice.