Implementierung der Validation nach Naomi Feil in Organisationen mit Fokus auf geriatri- sche Pflege: eine qualitativ-analytische Betrachtung

Capstone Thesis, Internationale Hochschule: Master of Business Administration Health Care Management

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Literature Review

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Presentation at the 25th meeting of the Gerontological Society

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Clinical Experience; 3 Case Reports

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Journal of Gerontological Nursing

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Clinical study, poster presentation at the 57th national Congress of the Societa Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria

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Clinical study, poster presentation at the 57th national congress of the Societa Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria

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Journal of Advanced Nursing

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International Journal of Aging and Human Development

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Summary of Validation Research

This paper discusses the academic research that has been done on the Validation method.

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