Validation Skill Building Block 3: Finding a Respectful Voice Tone

The Skill Building Blocks (All 6 blocks)

6 online, on-demand training blocks that deliver basic Validation techniques that help you better communicate with aging parents and older adults living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. In just 30 minutes you will learn an important communication skill. Each block has three parts which you can complete at your own pace.

Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $135.00.

Block 3: Voice Tone (The Skill Building Blocks)

Learn to recognize and modulate your voice tone. Whether you are communicating with your aging parents, caring for an older adult living with a dementia at home or in a senior living community, it is important to use this skill in order to improve your communication with that person. By using an adult-to-adult voice tone, you give respect to the other person and build a trusting relationship.


If you are just joining Skill Building Blocks, welcome. Please know that centering is a prerequisite to doing great observing & calibrating. And observing and calibrating is critical to taking the emotional temperature of the other person. If you already have centering under your belt and can exquisitely observe and match the emotion – carry on. If you are not familiar with centering, you might want to start with Block 1. If you want to learn exquisite observation and how to calibrate what you observe, check out block 2.

This Building Block will help you find a respectful tone of voice.

Each lesson of this training can be completed at your own tempo. You don’t need to do them all at once. And you can repeat sections as you wish.

Start by clicking on Lesson 1 below
