Validation Skill Building Block 5: Finding a Respectful Distance

The Skill Building Blocks (All 6 blocks)

6 online, on-demand training blocks that deliver basic Validation techniques that help you better communicate with aging parents and older adults living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. In just 30 minutes you will learn an important communication skill. Each block has three parts which you can complete at your own pace.

Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $135.00.

Block 5: Find a Respectful Distance (The Skill Building Blocks)

Learn how important it is to find the right distance from another person and how to sense this. Getting too close, especially when communicating with an older adult living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia, can create anger or fear. Staying too far away can block good communication. Find that ‘just right’ spot and communication can flow easily.


If you are just joining Skill Building Blocks, Welcome! Please know that centering is a pre-requisite to doing great observing & calibrating. Observing and calibrating are critical to taking the emotional temperature of another person. Using a respectful voice tone and eye contact can make the difference between connecting with another person or not. 

If you have all these skills under your belt – carry on!

If these skills are not familiar to you, please consider starting with Block 1: Centering.

This Building Block will help you learn to find a respectful distance.

Each lesson of this training can be completed at your own tempo. You don’t need to do them all at once. And you can repeat sections as you wish.

Start by clicking on Lesson 1 below.
