Validation for Medical Professionals

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Welcome to the Validation for Medical Professionals course!

Reach better patient outcomes by learning concrete tools that enhance communication with older adults. Developed by physicians and an expert in adult learning, this online training combines both cognitive learning and practice that integrates skills. There are 5 lessons, each one takes approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hour. This includes a half-hour to one-hour interactive webinar with a certified Validation Teacher.
Deepen what you already know and add new tools to your tool chest.

Before starting Lesson 1, please complete the Pre-Survey that you will find in the Introduction. You will be asked to complete a Post-Survey at the end of Lesson 5. This information will help us improve the training. It’s also a good way for you to see what you’ve gained.

Introduction Validation for Medical Professionals

Lessons Validation for Medical Professionals

Congratulations Validation for Medical Professionals