The “I Validate to Connect“(#IValidate2Connect) campaign launched last week, and we are off to a wonderful start thanks to our generous supporters.

So far, we’ve raised more than $2,000! These donations will be used as seed money for a controlled study on the Validation Method that will help us to show that Validation improves the quality of life for older adults experiencing dementia and their caregivers, as well as the quality of their communication and connection. This effort and your generosity will help sustain VTI’s work well into the future!

While we’ve started off strong, we still have a long way to go to reach our $20,000 goal by Oct. 15. We need your help!
There are three main ways to get involved. Learn more by clicking the links below.
• Give funds
• Share your story with the #IValidate2Connect hashtag
• Participate by signing an online petition or getting involved with one of our events between now and Oct. 15.
Chew & Chat Week is Next Week!
If you believe in the power of Validation, we encourage you to participate in our first “Caregiver Chew & Chat Week” running this Saturday, Sept. 24 until Friday, Sept. 30. The week is one of the main events of the organization’s first “I Validate to Connect” fundraising/advocacy campaign.
During this time, we are encouraging caregivers to take a little time to “chew” (perhaps over a meal?) and “chat” with other caregivers (fellow family members, friends, co-workers, etc.) about how Validation can help or has helped in their lives. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
- Take a photo with your group holding a sign that says “#IValidate2Connect”
- If you have a social media account, post the photo using #IValidate2Connect in your post. Then send us an e-mail with that same photo to info (at) vfvalidation (dot) org that we can publish on our social media outlets and blog.
- Collect donations from all the caregivers and give at our Generosity page.
That’s it. Easy, right? And fun! Learn more about prizes and other fun stuff a recent Chew & Chat post.
Thank you for all you do to help us make connections!