

Welcome to the on-line tutorial, Beginning Validation.

The first step is to take this Pre-Survey (you will find it below). This will tell us where you are right now. At the end of the tutorial, you will fill in the Post-Survey and that will tell us how much you gained. This information is critical to ensuring the quality of this education.

When you have completed both the Pre and Post Surveys you will be eligible for a diploma plus a 10% discount on your next Validation training or purchase.

The diploma is issued only for those people who have completed both surveys and each lesson.

And now….

We wish you a fantastic and enriching learning experience.

Tutorial Goals

The goal of this tutorial is to give you a good foundation in the theory of Validation and descriptions of Validation techniques.  This tutorial will not teach you everything about Validation, but it will give you enough to make a start and perhaps that will be enough to open up a whole new way of being with disoriented elderly people.  After you have completed this tutorial, we encourage you to participate in a Validation Worker course

Lesson tags: method, tutorial goals
    Back to: Beginning Validation ( Sunrise ) > Introduction