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As we step into February, we’re gearing up for some of the biggest events and opportunities of the year—from the 2025 Validation…
As we close out another incredible year, we want to extend a HUGE thank you to all of our supporters,…
Taking bold steps in life is essential for growth, from childhood through old age. In this thought-provoking piece, Vicki de…
The VTI board serves as a kind of activity tracker for our organization. Are we moving enough or standing still?…
Here’s your chance to win a fantastic prize! The Naomi Feil in Workshop documentary is a $500 purchase. The person…
Read more about how Validation techniques have benefits beyond the care of elderly people with cognitive decline, and how it…
In 2023, VTI experienced numerous successes, including reaching out to younger individuals struggling to connect with aging parents, achieving fundraising…
Announcement: VTI’s Annual Fall Fundraiser is approaching! In 2022, VTI made a profound impact, positively inuencing the lives of over…
Save the date! We are hosting the 2nd Annual Decoding Dementia Gathering on September 5th.
Attention Ireland and UK-based caregivers! VTI is beyond excited to announce that our renowned Internet Supported Workers Course is coming…
In 1956, I was 24 years old, graduated, Cum Laude, specializing in “Psychiatric Group Work” from Columbia University, in New…
VTI kondigt met trots de publicatie aan van een kinderboek gebaseerd op Validation principes en technieke
Mark your calendars for February 21st from noon to 4pm Eastern Time. VTI and Linked Senior are excited to have…
We are proud to announce our new VTI partner: Memory Lane TV is a multi-sensory intervention with over 500…
In this 60-minute presentation at the recent Pioneer Network Conference, Vicki de Klerk, Naomi Feil’s daughter, talks about how Naomi…
The Validation Training Institute is excited to announce that our introductory course, Beginning Validation, is now available in both German…
Executive Director, Vicki de Klerk and neurologist, Dr. Daniel C. Potts, co-authored an article in the March edition of Practical…
Thank you to everyone who joined us on February 15th for the Validation First World Congress!
We are deeply grateful for all of the generous donations we received during this year’s Annual Fall Fundraiser.
We have launched a new, on-demand digital course called Skill Building Blocks!
We have a wide range of Validation training opportunities currently available to meet your unique needs.
VTI has planned for its long-term financial strength by creating an Endowment Fund. This is a permanent and separate fund…
We have a wide range of Validation training opportunities currently available to meet your unique needs!
The Validation community is saddened by the death of Edward R. Feil. Ed’s films and videos made sharing Validation with…
Now is your chance to experience a Naomi Feil workshop! Filmed live, this is an incredible introduction to the Validation…
During the Pioneer Network’s Virtual Gathering this month, Naomi Feil shared a short video message about her wishes for older…
We are proud to share that we have received a second year of funding for our internet-supported Family Caregiver Course…
Read more about VTI’s accomplishments in the recently published 2019 Annual Report.
Important changes announced from the education committee and the latest AVO news.
The VTI Would Like to Welcome New Board Member Molly Balunek, AVO News, The First Validation Level 3 Teacher Course…
Announcing the launch of our newly designed Validation Training Institute (VTI) website: June 3rd, Together We Can Make a Difference,…
2018 Fall Fundraiser Success, “How-To” YouTube Videos, VTI Receives Grant from NextFifty, Validation Teacher Conference, Meridian Hosts the Validation Teachers…
A peek at VTI’s plans for 2019, a new AVO in Italy, the latest research on Validation, VTI’s “How-to” video…
Clinical Column: Give Me My Keys; VTI Reach Out; Exemplary Care for People with Dementia; New VTI Board members, In…
ESHEL Becomes an AVO, completes Teacher course; Validation in Israel: How to Build a Movement; Annual Fundraising Campaign; Odl People…
1st Validation Worker Course in China; Validation Quality Certification for Institutions; IValidate2Connect Results; Conferences New Employee; New Masters New Validation…
Clinical Column: Does psychiatric terminology apply to people in the final reesolution struggle of life?; What’s New; AVO and Other…
Conferences: Validation in China, TedX Talk; AVO Reports; What’s New; Wisdom from Elders
Clinical Column: The Perfect Caregiver?; AVO Reports; What’s New
Clinical Column: Adele Knox, a Wife Who Cares; AVO Reports; What’s New
NAVA 2014 Validation Conference; Scientific Approaches to Validation Workshops; AVO Reports; What’s New;
Clinical Column: How to handle sexual acting out behavior; AVO Reports; What’s New
Clinical Column: Another “What do you say when”; Validation News Around the World; Grateful Acknowledgement to Rosemary Golias
Clinical Column: Validation When…; Validation News Around the World; In the United States; New Principles; There is a Bridge video…
Clinical Column: Frequently Reported Myths or What is NOT Validation; Validation News Around the World; Excerpt from a hospice in…
Clinical Column: Who Says They Are De-Mented?; Validation Certification Courses; Research; International Neews: Validation Reviews and Views
Clinical Column: Room 314 Window, International News, Quality Assurance for Institutions, AVO News
Clinical Column: Dealing with Aggression, Conclusion; Researching Validation; Validation in the United States; Validation News Around the World
Clinical Column: Dealing with Aggression, Part Two; How Validation Assisted in Reestablishing an Improved Quality of Life for my Wife:…
International Validation Symposium approaching this March in Hershey; Clinical Column: Oversimplifying Validation; Validation News Worldwide; Webnotes
Clinical Column: Dealing with Aggression, Part One; Validation Worldwide; A Carer’s Perspective by Ken Raff (Australia); International Symposium Recap
Clinical Column: What do I say next? Part Two; VTI News: 4 certification levels standardized; Validation News in Europe and…
The Empathy/Sympathy Distinction; Family member testimony; VTI News; Editorial Reflections by Dale Beaulieu; Workshop schedule; New Website
Using the techniques: polarity, rephrasing; EVA president’s letter, Clinical Column: Why Validation is not in the mainstream of American healthcare,…
NBC airs Validation clip, Validation national News, Clinical column: The myth of the therapeutic lie Part II, International news, Letter…
Curriculum Coming; Naomi Feil workshop schedule; Clinical column: Validating age-appropriate sexual feelings; Flexibility and consistency needed by V. de Klerk-Rubin;…
Clinical Column: the Difference between Validation, Redirection and Diversion; International Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri; a Welcome Contribution from Dale Beaulieu;…
Clinical Column: the Validation Group, National News, Message from the President, Validation Research, International News, 1994 Workshops, Support VTI
Clinical Column: Your question; Validation Around the World; 1992 Validation Workshops; Message from the President of the Validation Board; Theoretical…
Clinical Column: When do you use the Validation teachnique, mirroring?; Individual Treatment Plan; Validation Around the World; Answer to Open…
Clinical Column: When do you touch someone? And how?; Answer to open ended question of last issue; New: Validation Around…
Get VTI news from around the globe, clinical columns from founder Naomi Feil, tips and links to help you improve communication with older adults living with dementia.