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Or visit our Validation Worldwide page to search by country.
Person centered approach with the goal to train master individuals who would then train people within their organizations
The Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) is a set of tools of observation towards people living with dementia
Ak dezorientovaný starší človek prejavuje (verbálne alebo neverbálne) úzkosť, môžete mu pomôcť.
¿Cómo se hace contacto con una anciana asustada y desorientada? Observa cómo puedes usar técnicas de validación simples para ayudar.
Haz clic en CC/Subtítulos y luego en Configuración para encontrar tu idioma.
Come si entra in contatto con una donna anziana spaventata e disorientata? Guardate come potete usare semplici tecniche di validazione per aiutarvi.
Clicca su CC/Sottotitoli e poi su Impostazioni per trovare la tua lingua.
Wie nimmt man Kontakt mit einer verängstigten, desorientierten alten Frau auf? Sehen Sie, wie Sie mit einfachen Validationstechniken helfen können.
Klicken Sie auf CC/Untertitel und dann auf Einstellungen, um Ihre Sprache zu finden.
Comment entrer en contact avec une vieille femme effrayée et désorientée ? Regardez comment vous pouvez utiliser des techniques de validation simples pour vous aider.
Cliquez sur CC/Subtitles puis sur Settings pour trouver votre langue.
Leer meer over het helpen van oudere mensen met dementie tijdens een quarantaine.
Klik op CC / ondertitels en vervolgens op Instellingen om uw taal te vinden.
Meet Mrs. Simpson who is angry that during the COVID-19 pandemic she cannot go out and feels like a prisoner who is trapped. Learn how to use simple Validation techniques to listen to her feelings and understand her needs. You can tap into her own history for resources and somtimes just being with her is enough.
¿Cómo se hace contacto con una anciana asustada y desorientada? Observa cómo puedes usar técnicas de validación simples para ayudar.
Haz clic en CC/Subtítulos y luego en Configuración para encontrar tu idioma.
Come si entra in contatto con una donna anziana spaventata e disorientata? Guardate come potete usare semplici tecniche di validazione per aiutarvi.
Clicca su CC/Sottotitoli e poi su Impostazioni per trovare la tua lingua.
Wie nimmt man Kontakt mit einer verängstigten, desorientierten alten Frau auf? Sehen Sie, wie Sie mit einfachen Validationstechniken helfen können.
Klicken Sie auf CC/Untertitel und dann auf Einstellungen, um Ihre Sprache zu finden.
Comment entrer en contact avec une vieille femme effrayée et désorientée ? Regardez comment vous pouvez utiliser des techniques de validation simples pour vous aider.
Cliquez sur CC/Subtitles puis sur Settings pour trouver votre langue.
Leer meer over het helpen van oudere mensen met dementie tijdens een quarantaine.
Klik op CC / ondertitels en vervolgens op Instellingen om uw taal te vinden.
Meet Mrs. Leader who is has become withdrawn as a result of being isolated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how short moments of contact with a caregiver can help her avoid experiencing complete withdrawal. Even if the visit is only for the length of time it takes to sing a song, that is meaningful.
Meet Mrs. White, an 82-year-old woman who is confused in time, place and person. Learn how to use simple Validation techniques to communicate effectively and empathetically with her as a caregiver while wearing a mask and using Zoom.
Reducir ansiedad, evitar aislamiento y recuerde – use el centrado
Más consejos para ayudarlo a establecer contacto con adultos mayores desorientados: cuando use máscaras, guantes y otro equipo de protección; besando con tacto y usando música
Physical distance, doesn’t mean emotional distance especially when working with disoriented older adults. As a caregiver, your eyes are a way to connect with care. Learn how to build trust quickly by building empathy. Meet 82-year-old Mrs. White, she is confused and doesn’t remember anything about the pandemic. She does remember that when she was a girl the world was at war. Knowing this background a caregiver can feel the emotion she is experiencing and use that empathy to effectively communicate.
Reduzieren Sie Angst, vermeiden Sie Isolation und erinnern Sie sich – Zentrieren hilft
Reduce anxiety, avoid isolation and remember – use centering.
Réduire l’anxiété, éviter l’isolement et rappelez-vous: se centrer!
Riduci l’ansia, evita l’isolamento e ricorda – usa il centering.
verminder angst, isolatie zorgt voor meer terugtrekking , vergeet niet te centreren
Altri consigli per aiutarti ad entrare in contatto con i grandi anziani disorientati: quando usi mascherine, guanti e altre protezioni; baciare con il tocco e l’uso della musica.
Weitere Tipps zur Kontaktaufnahme mit desorientierten alten Menschen: bei der Verwendung von Masken, Handschuhen und anderer Schutzausrüstung; Küssen mit Berührung und mit Musik.
meer tips om je te helpen contact te maken met oudere mensen met dementie als je gebruik maakt van beschermingsmateriaal zoals mondmaskers, handschoenen, beschermschorten. Kussen via aanraking, gebruik van muziek
Plus de conseils pour vous aider à entrer en contact avec les adultes plus âgés désorientés: quand vous utilisez des masques, des gants et d’autres matériel de protection; „le baiser avec le toucher et la musique“
More tips for helping you make contact with disoriented older adults: when using masks, gloves and other protective gear; kissing with touch and using music.
Denk eraan om je te centreren. Oudere mensen met dementie zijn zeer gevoelig aan de sfeer rondom hen.Tijdens je interacties met de oudere persoon met dementie is het belangrijk je eigen gedachten en gevoelens ‚on hold‘ te zetten
deel 2 bouwt verder op de eerste 3 tips. Dit deel benadert : verkennen liever dan zeggen, gebruik empathie in plaats van afleiding en liegen, benader de andere persoon met respect
in deze moeilijke tijd van pandemie is het belangrijk om je te centreren, aanzelfzorg te doen en een zinvol engagement aan te gaan
Remember to center yourself. Older adults living with cognitive decline are sensitive to the atmosphere around them. For the moments that you interact with someone, make sure you have put aside your own feelings and thoughts.
Part 2 builds off of our first 3 tips and discusses exploring rather than telling, empathy instead of diversion or lying, and approaching the other person with respect.
At this strange time, filled with great difficulties for many people, it’s important to remember centering, self-care and meaningful engagement.
Denken Sie daran, sich zu zentrieren. Ältere Menschen, die mit kognitiven Verlusten umgehen müssen, reagieren empfindlich auf die Atmosphäre um sie herum. Für die Momente, in denen Sie mit jemandem interagieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre eigenen Gefühle und Gedanken beiseite gelegt haben.
Teil 2 baut auf unseren ersten 3 Tipps auf und empfiehlt Erkunden statt Erzählen, Einfühlungsvermögen statt Ablenkung und Lügen und erläutert das respektvolle Herantreten an das Gegenüber.
In dieser herausfordernden Zeit (Corona-Krise 2020), die für viele Menschen mit großen Schwierigkeiten verbunden ist, ist es wichtig, sich an Folgendes zu erinnern: zentrieren, Selbstsorge und bedeutsame emotionale Beteiligung.
N’oubliez pas de vous centrer. Les adultes plus âgés avec des troubles neurocognitifs sont sensibles à l’atmosphère environnante. Pour les moments d’interaction avec quelqu’un, soyez certains d’avoir mis de côté vos propres sentiments et pensées.
La partie 2 se construit sur nos 3 premiers conseils et développe « explorer plutôt qu’affirmer, l’empathie au lieu de la diversion ou du mensonge et s’approcher de la personne avec respect »
En cette période étrange, remplie de grandes difficultés pour beaucoup de gens, il est important de se rappeler le centrage, le „prendre soin de soi“, l’engagement rempli de sens
Ricorda di centrarti. Gli anziani che vivono con declino cognitivo sono sensibili all’atmosfera che li circonda. Nei momenti in cui interagisci con qualcuno, assicurati di aver messo da parte i tuoi sentimenti e pensieri.
La parte 2 si basa sui nostri primi 3 suggerimenti e discute sull’esplorazione piuttosto che sul raccontare, l’empatia al posto della diversione o del mentire e l’avvicinarsi all’altra persona con rispetto.
In questo strano momento pieno di grandi difficoltà per molte persone, è importante ricordare il Centering, la cura personale e il coinvolgimento significativo
パート2では、最初の3つのヒントを土台となる基本とし、語るのではなく探求すること、気晴らしやうそをつくのではなく共感すること、 敬意をもって近づくことについて説明しています。
This paper explores the reasons Naomi Feil developed the Four Phases of Resolution, incorporates the new descriptions and shows how individuals can move from phase to phase using real-life examples.
Remember to center yourself. Older adults living with cognitive decline are sensitive to the atmosphere around them. For the moments that you interact with someone, make sure you have put aside your own feelings and thoughts.
Part 2 builds off of our first 3 tips and discusses exploring rather than telling, empathy instead of diversion or lying, and approaching the other person with respect.
At this strange time, filled with great difficulties for many people, it’s important to remember centering, self-care and meaningful engagement.
Snoezelen is primarily aimed at making contact with old people with severe dementia through the senses and in a safe living environment. They are given the opportunity to express their emotions and feelings through selective stimulation of the senses.
Reminiscence is a set of tools that facilitates the communication between people with dementia and their family members, friends or professionals. Through their own memories, and using triggers as an evocative vehicle, an atmosphere is created where memories can emerge freely and can help to increase the well-being of disoriented people and their network.
Relational Clown work welcomes the person in their current physical and emotional state using verbal and non-verbal communication, a non-judgemental relationship and clowning techniques.
Relational Care is a broad and concrete approach that considers care for the elderly person with loss of psychological autonomy from a triple perspective: behavioral, affective and cognitive.
Positive Approach® to Care (PAC) practitioners use their abilities and skills to develop awareness, knowledge, and skill with all people, that will transform what exists into a more positive culture.
Humanitude is a method of communication and stimulation of the elderly person; treating him as a human being regardless of his pathology and to accompany him with dignity.
This document regulates the requirements and authorizations for certification as a Level 1, Validation Worker in an Internet Supported Worker Course
These specific criteria can help with your self-evaluation and provide transparency for certification.
Learn more about the decision making process on issues relating to Validation theory, practice and teaching.
This document describes the Quality Manual, its uses and how it is maintained.
These guidelines help care communities discover how they can become certified Validation Institutions.
The Validation certification for institutions uses these criteria, which can also be used for self-evaluation.
This Quality Manual provides answers to questions, procedures and materials to Validation Presenters, Teachers, Masters and AVOs.
This unique course was developed for on-the-job training that combines flexibility and the opportunity to certify caregivers in a care community.
Level 5, Validation Masters are highly experienced mentors for teachers around the world and developers of the Validation method
Questions about becoming an Authorized Validation Organization? This brochure answers our most frequently asked questions.
Interested in becoming an Authorized Validation Organization? This brochure outlines the advantages and steps to take.
Want to hold a Worker course in your care community? This easy to follow folder gives you all the information you need.
Want to be certified in Validation? This easy to follow folder gives you all the information you need.
A handy reference tool for Validation terminology
An handy guide to what you can expect when using Validation.